Terms and Conditions

PrideOne Travel and Cruises act as an agent for the air­lines, cruise lines, tour oper­a­tors, car rental com­pa­nies, hotels, and any other sup­plier of travel ser­vices shown on your itin­er­ary. We are not respon­si­ble for the acts or omis­sions of such sup­pli­ers or their sub­con­trac­tors or their fail­ure to pro­vide ser­vices, adhere to their own sched­ules, or honor their contracts

Price Quotes

Price quotes for travel are not guar­an­teed until reser­va­tions are con­firmed with full pas­sen­ger names and deposit pay­ment. Quotes on air­fare are not con­firmed until paid in full and can change with­out notice. Travel Protection is strongly suggested for all reservations. If the cost of any ser­vice increases due to exchange rate fluc­tu­a­tions, price increases, tax or port changes, or any other rea­son, you are required to pay the increase when noti­fied by us or you may can­cel the book­ing which may result in can­cel­la­tion fees. We are not liable in any way if this occurs. Unless oth­er­wise noted price quotes do not include air­fare, gra­tu­ities, meals, inci­den­tal items, alco­holic bev­er­ages, sou­venirs, tele­phone calls, air­port trans­fers, travel protection, or any other ser­vice not specif­i­cally mentioned.


Pay­ment sched­ules are set forth by the indi­vid­ual sup­pli­ers and due on the dates spec­i­fied. The only excep­tion to this is if pay­ing by check and the due date will be 14 days prior to the due date as set by the sup­plier. Fail­ure to pay on time can result in auto­matic can­cel­la­tion by the sup­plier, and can lead to the for­fei­ture of prior pay­ments. It is the respon­si­bil­ity of the trav­eler in mak­ing timely pay­ments and in way will PrideOne Travel and Cruises be held respon­si­ble in the case of a missed pay­ment. All major credit cards are accepted unless oth­er­wise noted by sup­pli­ers.

Revi­sions, Can­cel­la­tions, and Refunds

Revi­sion, can­cel­la­tions, and refund poli­cies vary by sup­plier. Sup­plier can­cel­la­tion fees can be up to 100 per­cent of the trip cost depend­ing on when the can­cel­la­tion was made. No shows are non-refundable. All can­cel­la­tion and/or refund requests must be made in writ­ing to PrideOne Travel and Cruises. Refund restric­tions and poli­cies for unused travel vary and are sub­ject to applic­a­ble rules of each sup­plier. Air­fare and some sup­plier fees are non-refundable. Travel Protection is non-refundable after the 14 day free look period. Please inquire about sup­plier refund poli­cies at the time of book­ing. Travel Protection is optional and available for purchase and helps protect your trip and travel investment. Since some benefits are time sensitive, we encourage all travelers to purchase a plan at the time of initial deposit.

Travel Safety and Haz­ards

It is the respon­si­bil­ity of every pas­sen­ger to famil­iar­ize them­selves with the destination(s) they are vis­it­ing. PrideOne Travel and Cruises have no spe­cial knowl­edge regard­ing for­eign entry require­ments, unsafe con­di­tions, health haz­ards, weather haz­ards, sup­plier bank­rupt­cies, or the suit­abil­ity for dis­abled per­sons on any por­tion of the vaca­tion. Cruise lines and other sup­pli­ers reserve the right to make itinerary changes due to weather and safety con­cerns. For, for­eign entry require­ments and State Depart­ment travel advi­sories; http://travel.state.gov/travel. For for­eign health require­ments and dan­gers, go to http://www.cdc.gov/travel. PrideOne Travel and Cruises are not respon­si­ble for per­sonal injuries, death, prop­erty dam­age or any other dam­ages or expenses result­ing from causes out­side of our control.

Required Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion

Photo iden­ti­fi­ca­tion is required for all travel. Pass­ports are required for inter­na­tional travel and some coun­tries require a visa. Trav­el­ers will not be per­mit­ted with­out the proper iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. It is the respon­si­bil­ity of the trav­eler to ver­ify what doc­u­men­ta­tion is needed and to have it in order. Spe­cial doc­u­men­ta­tion is required for minor chil­dren with or with­out their par­ents. If trav­el­ing with, please check with the sup­plier before depar­ture for any spe­cific pol­icy or restrictions.

Travel Doc­u­ments

Once travel doc­u­ments are received by PrideOne Travel and Cruises all travel doc­u­ments are hand deliv­ered locally and before edocs will be emailed. We check all doc­u­ments for accu­racy prior to deliv­ery — please check your doc­u­ments to con­firm accu­racy of all infor­ma­tion. Call us imme­di­ately at 816–237-8625 if any errors are found. Keep all travel doc­u­ments in a safe place as they may or may not be replaced as accord­ing to each sup­plier pol­icy.

Air­line Con­fir­ma­tions, Check-In, Seat Assign­ment, Missed Flights

It is impor­tant that you con­firm your flights with the air­line prior to depar­ture; 24 hours for domes­tic, and 72 hours for inter­na­tional flights. Fail­ure to use any por­tion of an air­line reser­va­tion may result in auto­matic can­cel­la­tion by the air­line for all con­tin­u­ing and return flights. Famil­iar­ize your­self with the air­lines poli­cies and require­ments before book­ing. Unless stated oth­er­wise by the air­lines, it is impor­tant to arrive at the air­port 2 hours prior to depar­ture for domes­tic flights and 3 hours for inter­na­tional flights. Late arrival at the air­port can result in loss of assigned seats or denial of board­ing. Denial of board­ing is not eli­gi­ble for refund or travel protection reim­burse­ment. Air­fare re-bookings are sub­ject to air­line penal­ties, re-booking fees, plus any dif­fer­ence of the new flight. Seat assign­ments are sub­ject to change by the air­line with­out notice.

Dis­claimer of Lia­bil­ity

PrideOne Travel and Cruises is an inde­pen­dent travel agency operating in Kansas City, MO. PrideOne Travel and Cruises acts merely as an agent for sup­pli­ers in sell­ing travel-related ser­vices, or in accept­ing reser­va­tions or book­ings for ser­vices that are not directly sup­plied by this travel agency (such as air and ground trans­porta­tion, hotel accom­mo­da­tions, meals, tours, cruises, etc.) At the point of book­ing, all prices are thought to be accu­rate, avail­able, and cur­rent accord­ing to said sup­plier. The infor­ma­tion, prod­ucts, and ser­vices may include inac­cu­ra­cies or typo­graph­i­cal errors. PrideOne Travel and Cruises does not guar­an­tee the accu­racy of and dis­claims lia­bil­ity for inac­cu­ra­cies, includ­ing but not lim­ited to the price, infor­ma­tion, and the descrip­tions of the prod­ucts and ser­vices described on this web­site. PrideOne Travel and Cruises shall not be respon­si­ble any injuries, dam­ages, or losses caused by any trav­eler in con­nec­tion with any ter­ror­ist activ­i­ties, social or labor unrest, mechan­i­cal or con­struc­tion fail­ures or dif­fi­cul­ties, dis­eases, social laws, cli­matic con­di­tions, crim­i­nal acts, or abnor­mal con­di­tions or devel­op­ments, or any other actions, omis­sions, or con­di­tions out­side the travel agent’s con­trol. Trav­el­ers assume com­plete and full respon­si­bil­ity for, and hereby release the agent from duty of, check­ing and ver­i­fy­ing any and all pass­port, visa, vac­ci­na­tions, or any other entry require­ments of each des­ti­na­tions, and all safety or secu­rity con­di­tions of all des­ti­na­tions as well as re-entry into the United States.